SPT Score - NextDNS

NextDNS is a service that offers customizable DNS resolvers which can act as network monitoring tools and/or a pseudo firewall. Its features include privacy and security related blocklists, parental control via blocking 18+ websites and restricting internet access during certain periods of time, in depth analytics and real time logs (not stored locally unfortunately, but completely optional and has options on where you choose to store your data), and much more.

Terms of Service, Privacy Policy

Part I: Accounts

Score for Part I: 0

Part II: Use of service

Score for Part II: -15

Part III: Miscellaneous

Score for Part III: +10


Total Score: 95

Analysis: Managing to get the score I expected, NextDNS scores high in the SPT. It's way ahead of most of the services I've rated so far and is a solid tool in taking back your privacy. While it does have its fair share of cons, I believe the pros outweigh them enough for it to be considered privacy centric. Do note that free accounts only get 200,000 queries before the features get temporarily disabled so I'd only suggest paying for the subscription if you intend to use it on multiple devices or have many people using it. While a local firewall can pretty much fulfill NextDNS' function, they tend to take time to set up and may not be available for all operating systems without compromise (Android requires root for a proper firewall, which reduces its security). So if you want a pseudo firewall on your unrooted mobile device or if you're too lazy to search around for various blocklists then you can use NextDNS if you want to.

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